APPLICATION : The Unified Coarse thread series (UNC/UNRC) is used for the bulk production of screws,
bolts and nuts. It is commonly used in relative low strength materials such as cast iron, aluminum, magnesium, brass, bronze and plastic, because the coarse threads provide more resistance to internal thread stripping
than the fine or extra fine series. The fine thread series (UNF/UNRF), is commonly used for bolts and nuts
in high strength applications. Fine series threads allow for finer adjustment in cases such as slotted nut
and cotter pin assembly. The extra-fine series (UNEF/UNREF) is used particularly for equipment and
threaded parts which require fine adjustments, such as bearing retaining nuts, adjusting screws, etc. and for
thin wall tubing and thin nuts.
Gauges are manufactured as per ANSI B 1.21